Hey Ladies!  Well, we certainly had a fun walk and visit today on Turkey Creek.  We agreed the water is higher than we have ever seen it in August.  Four of us:  Dawn (back from vacation), Fiona (with Pepper and Saffy), Julieanne (with Sunny and getting ready for vacation), and Sheba with me (who is not vacationing) walked and talked for just over 3 miles.  It was Big Dog Day on the trail in both size and numbers.

Dawn kept us entertained with her story of hiking in Colorado and sitting down to rest a minute.  Then happened to turn and spot a deer haunch/buttock with leg attached.  And that was all.  It was sufficiently fresh to spot some blood.  Then Dawn looked casually(!) around her to see if there might be a live animal looking at her.  Then she turned and walked casually downhill and away from the haunch.  We failed to ask if she started running.  Jacque