Eight TOWNies: me, BarbaraC, CarolC, GailP-C, Jacque, JanetFB, NicoleF & EmmaC rode our bikes this morning. For some this was a new location to ride. Everyone found the park, and unloaded their bikes.
We started on the trail a few minutes past 8:30. Thanks to the recent rain there was water in the creek, and everything was green. We made good time, and the miles wheezed by. Carol stopped traffic so a snake could cross, and Gail and Janet were going so fast they sped past the 5 mile marker. When they saw the next marker they realized they had pasted it. Barbara saw a rabbit along the way. Everyone made it back to the parking lot a little past 10. We got the bikes all loaded back up. Janet shared some yellow meat water melon.
Happy and safe 4th everyone. Janice