The weekend at Inks Lake was clear and sunny, with daytime temperatures in the mid-to-upper 90’s. Lovely Inks Lake was full of ducks and geese and gentle afternoon breezes.

Attendees included Lisa Mc, PamS, JuneA, BarbaraW, CherylC, CarrieL, MarieW, MelanieA, MarilynF, KimF, BevT, MariaV, SusanW, CarolP, JacqueA, JudieT, Lisa S, JoanB, Gloria, FloM, MarshaK, JennyF, SandyB,  NancyL, PattyN, Kay, Dar-Dar, and several others.

Many campers pulled into Inks Lake State Park Thursday, some Friday and many day visitors came Saturday for Jenny and Marsha’s hike and attended the pot luck.

Despite the hot temperatures we had a lot of fun. Many kept cool floating in the water, kayaking, or fishing. Others went birding, hiking, biking, geocaching, eating at Blue Bonnet Cafe, touring the Tiny Houses (, or joining the Star Party.

Because of construction near the pavilion, Ranger Sue graciously let us use the back porch/deck of the Park Store after it closed at 5:00 pm on Saturday. It was perfect with shade and tables for TOWNies and their guests, for a total of approximately 33 people attending over the weekend. There were first time guests and kayakers, too.

As a result of her first-ever paddling experience, Flo now wants to purchase a kayak and knows exactly what kind she wants; and our newest TOWNie, Patty, plans to purchase a bike – that’s what TOWNies are all about! Try and learn, and go for the gear! It was great to see our traveling nurse, Nancy, back in Austin for the fall.

Thanks to Marsha and Jenny for leading the hike and to Marie for taking some on the tiny house tour.

Until next time, Marilyn and June