Yesterday Marilyn F., June A., Carolyn D., Jacque, Judy D., Linda B., Judie T., Jami E., Lisa McM, Sandy B., and Carol J. joined Joan B. and me for a TOWN zoom visit. Four of the visitors participated in the first TOWN zoom. We figured out some differences between using a computer or an iPad to meet. There weren’t too many technical difficulties, but we got bumped off after 30 minutes because we only had the free version of zoom. We have upgraded our membership with Zoom and the length of future meetings will be unlimited. We visited a bit and then a couple of people said goodbye. The rest of us played a bingo game and Jami E. won the virtual prize (a highly coveted roll of Charmin 2-ply tissue.) I used the white board feature to display a drawing so others could guess my drawing (camping). The category was an activity and the drawing was a tent and a fire. To play pictionary, the person who guessed correctly would then have to draw on her own white board. Just another option to pass the time.
During our visit, I forgot to mention an uplifting experience over the past few weeks. We have a nest in a bush right outside the dining room window. We watched a pair of cardinals build a lovely nest and tend to eggs and hatchlings. They quickly became nestlings (when they are 4-13 days old) and are now fledglings (14 days and older.) Seeing them every day has been such a source of joy and hope at this time. I hope that you are looking for the beauty and wonder that is around you.
I hope everyone is doing well. As I reminded the TOWN ZOOMers, you have 100+ sisters if you need anything! You are not alone.
The next TOWNstrong zoom will SATURDAY, APRIL 25th at 4:00 PM. Hope you can join us.
Stay home, stay safe, and stay strong!
Looking forward to the day we can be outside for a TOWN outing.