
What a nice day for a hike in the park!  Twelve happy hikers participated: Marsha (head hiker), Lisa, Jacque, Dawn, Cindy, Carol & friend Nancy, Koby & daughter McCala with friend Claire & her dad plus moi.  This hike included the Lake Trail, Woodland Trail and Pecan Flats Trail for a grand total of 5.2 miles for the final six hikers.  Others returned at various points.

We enjoyed some wonderful views of the area from the high trails.  There was a lot of blooming spiderwort on the trail along with some lantana and various other yellow, blue and white blooms.

As is always the case when TOWN members gather, we were in good company with interesting conversations.

Hope to see you soon at another TOWN or NON-TOWN outing.

From Happy Hikers, Jenny & Marsha