I cannot compete with LindaF’s poetic description of our paddling outings at Lady Bird Lake, that is why I am including several pictures to embellish my narrative.  GloriaW was so kind to take some pictures and send them to me.  She was at the Rowing Dock with DebbieB  when I arrived, a few minutes past 9:30am.  Gloria and Debbie have  been participating in TOWN events for about four years, but did not meet until the party at Gail’s ranch.  I believe that this was the first time that they were going to paddle together.

Nicole W. met us a few moments later.  She drove all the way from Cedar Park to try out her first adventure with us – the Amazing Townies.  She had just bought an inflatable kayak and was anxious to see how her new toy felt on the water.  We put in and headed  towards the downtown, aiming to get to the Barton Springs creek.  With all the rain from the day before, the lake seemed tranquil and the water cleared up so that we could see all the way to the bottom in some areas, specially once we got to the spring channel.  Suddenly I realized that the anxiety that I felt  earlier has been replaced by a feeling of wellbeing and wholeness that only nature affords.  When I looked around to check on the others, I could see in their expression that they were experiencing the same.  MariaV