Dear TOWNies,  The Frio River was so very refreshing this year!  Maria and myself with three grand kids (Troy, Lex and Harley) arrived on Sunday, Aug 1st.  Maria grilled us some yummy ribs after we were set up.  Then, the rain joined the party.  It was a stormy night that first night. After that, we had beautiful weather.  We found a spot at the end of a trail that had plenty of water after all the recent rain and we really enjoyed it.  It was not crowded at all.  It was like having our own private pool.  So beautiful.  On Monday KimF and CindyS joined us.  We enjoyed the river and had hot dogs & S’mores that evening.  Tuesday, we floated the Happy Hollow part of the river.  So amazingly beautiful!  We love this float‼️ Then we went into Leakey and had some Mexican food for lunch. Then,  back to our little private pool.  Seemed to go by really fast and so thankful we were able to make it this year.  Sandy, third time is the charm.  We will do this again next year.  Probably in July as I have to be back to school in August.

Until then, stay well, stay cool and happy trails to all of our TOWN friends.  LisaMcM