Inks Lake (Sept 23-26, 2021) Trip Report

Twenty seven TOWN members* attended this campout plus four Dallas TOWN members; a foreign exchange student, Xenia, sponsored by Beverly Travis; Carrie’ son, Aaron; Joan’s sister, Ann; Carolyn’s sister, Krissy; Stephanie’s friend, Mindy; Maria’s friend, Corina and her daughter, Xiamara and four furry friends: Dolly, Chico, Sheba and Abby The weather cooperated for us with sunny days and slightly cooler nights.  Some members arrived on Thursday, but the bulk of the group came on Friday with some day trippers arriving on Saturday.

Thursday, Bev T, Kim F, Sheila F, June A, Phyllis P, and I had a lovely evening paddle and were treated to a fantastic sunset.  That night we also discovered that there was a family of skunks patrolling the vicinity; thankfully no one got sprayed.

Friday morning June A, Phyllis P, Tracy P and I set out on a morning paddle to Devil’s Cove; a favorite destination.  We were joined by a gaggle of ducks, turtles popping their heads up here and there and a Great Blue Heron.  As the day went on more members trickled in and that afternoon a few of us went for a refreshing swim.  A group went to dinner at Hoover’s Valley Café & Store and that evening we all gathered for a meet and greet.  It was nice to see everyone and to meet the Dallas members as well as Beverley’s foreign exchange student from Germany, Xenia.  After a while a group took our traditional “walk around the loop” and called it a night.

We had a few day trippers on Saturday: Sheila Mc; Lyn S; Carrie L and her son, Aaron; Carolyn D and her sister Krissy, and Jenny F who led an early morning hike with 8 other TOWN members joining her while the kayakers, June A, Linda BW, Sheila F, Kim F, Carol S, Bev T, Xenia B, Tracy P, Lisa Mc and myself, set out towards Stumpy Hollow.  It was another beautiful morning, the lake still as glass.  Afterwards, some of us picked up lunch at the on-site food trailer and enjoyed visiting.  That evening we gathered for some snacks and visiting.  Maria V served up a delicious treat: carne guisada, and Lisa Mc had a surprise cake for a belated Happy 70th Birthday to Linda BW.  Before long the kayakers were back on the lake for one last paddle after which we gathered around the fire for a final evening of camaraderie.  As Linda BW and I headed back to our site, we were startled by the group of skunks and were thankful to get past them without a problem.

Sunday morning was filled with goodbyes and safe travel wishes.  It was down to Marilyn F, June A and me.  We had an adventurous morning when a squirrel decided to get into my van.  We enlisted the help of Dolly, June’s dog, and had a very kind park ranger, named Parker, scour the van.  Somehow the squirrel must have gotten passed us because it was nowhere to be found.  We said our final goodbyes (Marilyn was staying an extra night.) hoping that the squirrel was truly reunited with his family and not going to jump out during my drive home!  Thanks June, Marilyn, and Dolly for hanging in there with me. You can always count on TOWN members to support you!

Thanks, ladies for joining me on another memorable TOWN adventure.  Thank you, June, for sharing your site with us and to all the ladies that helped make this a fun and safe weekend.

*(Lisa S, Joan B, Jacque A, Debbie B, Phyllis P, Marilyn F, Janice B, Effie K, Cindy S, June A, Bev T, Kim F, Sheila F, Susan A, Lisa Mc, Maria V, Carol S, Janet FB, Linda BW, Tracy P, Stephanie N, Jenny F, Sheila Mc, Lynn S, Carolyn D, Carrie L, Marie W)