It was an overcast day on Thursday morning Sept 30 which made for a beautiful time to be on the water!  The sun came out as we ended our morning kayak.  Perfect timing.  We had 5 TOWN Austin members, Jacque A, Peg G, Karen K, Phyllis, me and a guest that Phyllis invited.  We only passed a few people on the water.  The water was calm and the paddling peaceful as we visited and leisurely made our way around Red Bud Island.  The island was quiet.  Dogs are still discouraged to be in the water.  We saw several Blue Heron birds or was it the same one that followed us?!  He stood very still so we could take a few pictures.  We saw several turtles hanging out and a few swimming.  Afterwards, Peg G, Karen K, Jacque A and I went to Maudies on Lake Austin Blvd for lunch outside.  Jacque was able to secure an outside table for us.  We enjoyed a good lunch, shared stories and laughs.  The next kayak on Lady Bird Lake will be Thursday Oct 7 at 9:30am.  MariaV will lead.  Hope you can join us then!         Gail P-C