Hi all,  We had a small group of TOWNIES today,  Kim,  Carolyn with Patchy, CPT, ( Canine Protection Team) and Marsha, that braved the wind and cold to wander in the woods for a nice hike.  But then, Jody couldn’t miss and joined us as we circled back to pick her up at an entrance.  Ol’ Job was correct:  Out of the South comes the storm, and out of the North comes the cold.  We had our first taste of winter as the wind whipped among the trees, creating a symphony of creaking and cracking branches and whistling wind amidst a cloudy backdrop of cedar pollen that danced frantically in the wind. The few leaves that were left on the trees pelted us as if missiles sent by the wind.  My early morning quiet time was punctuated by the ding of texts that came through from TOWNIES canceling their RSVPs for the hike.  These smart women,  I am sure, had to suffer from a second cup of coffee at a leisurely pace, while the hikers kept a fast pace in the cold and wind for a nice 4.15 mile hike.  Actually,  it was very pleasant.

Until next time….  Happy Trails,  Marsha