Well TOWNies, we had such an enjoyable hike today – no rain, talking, laughing, crossing the creek without falling, and laughing and talking some more.  Five of us met at 8:30 in 42 degree temp:  AnnaE, Jacque (& Sheba), new member JenniferM who climbed a huge boulder, KimW, and MaryVEck (with Rosie).  Conversation topics ranged from:  Rosie & Sheba just taking off running, leaving us behind, then returning for treats; the first creek crossing in such cold water; clean hiking shoes; the Ghost Wolves of Galveston Island – a strange population of canids that carry the DNA for red wolves; possible traveling destinations – Ireland, Africa – Botswana & Zambia, Madagasgar, Gulf Shores, Israel, Cuba, and Puerto Rico; anniversaries, holidays – who visited, how many developed Covid, what we ate, where to get a Covid test ; the Holiday Party at McKinney Falls SP – who attended, how cold it was, what we ate, and the dining hall; boulder climbing; our favorite tree and dog treats; assisted living and nursing home locations; new podcast – You’re Wrong About – which reconsiders an event, person or phenomenon that’s been miscast in the public imagination – I plan to check this; Marathon & Big Bend; grandchildren, mothers-in-law, children – challenges & issues;  yes, lots of topics.

The next hike will be Wednesday, January 19th at 8:30 am.  Please RSVP by 5 pm Tuesday.  Thanks!  Jacque