Hi all,  We had a dazzle of TOWNIES today, Kim, Jacque, Carolyn, Jenny, guest Barbara, Janice, Leigh, Debbie, Lisa, Jody and Marsha, along with the full contingent of the Canine Protection Team, Sheba, Patchy and Junko.  We started the day with a little bit of shopping as my neighborhood has bulk pickup and the most amazing things were gathered and coveted and then secreted away in cars for later use.  It set the tone for the hike as we traveled 4.43 miles with a quick pace.  The dazzle was spread out at times, but we came back with 11 hikers, the same number we started the hike.  Not sure if they are the same hikers or not but the numbers were the same.  Since the group was larger than normal, we had little chance to catch up with all, but did mange to take a break or two and be able to touch base.  I think the consensus was that the gloomy weather today also contributes to feelings of gloominess and that our shopping spree offered some gleam of sunny days ahead.  The creek was low today and often without any moving stream, but the promise of rain this week will offer some nourishment for the land and refill the creek.  That rain is so needed, it is agreed that our few days of gloominess can be tolerated as it also brings the hope of water.  Patchy continued to have the zoomies, but then recruited the other two canine friends to join and offer comic relief with the zoomies.

Until next time…. Happy Trails, Marsha