Hi all,  There were 6 TOWNIES today, Leigh, Lisa, Jenny, Kim, Effie and Marsha,  who were protected by Junko, president of the Canine Protection Team.  We traveled 4.7 miles over the Rock and Root Trail, aptly named for both rocks and roots, that seemed to have doubled in quantity due to the Spring Fling of growth.  We were reminded that Spring is here with the mighty elms showing off limbs laden with the bright green of new leaves, taunting the Oaks as they are dropping their leaves.  Flowers were emerging with violets, wild onions, and little yellow flowers of something that danced in the wind.   Some stalks of plants maintained quiet dignity as they have just started to emerge with growth, but regally blew in the breeze,  knowing their time will be soon.  Cardinal entertainment abounded with chirps and a squirrel frantically paraded about basking in the day.  Actually, we TOWNIES basked in the day, too!

Until next time… Happy Trails,  Marsha