Well, this was certainly a memorable hike at least for one of use.  Today’s members attending were:  AnnaE, KimW, KathleenC with Baby and Mamie, and Jacque with Sheba.  The temperature was so very comfortable, the sky beautifully blue, the leaves provided so much shade, and the creek was running clear.  One member fell – I cannot recall who – and did a tumble.  Sandy clothes and an ugly bruise resulted.  Our conversations today in no specific order ranged widely:  allergies and such increased pollen levels; pollen on cars and how the yellow shows up so vividly; how pollen resembles Sulphur to some folks; whether or not kitties should be allowed outside if you have bird feeders; why some cats hunt for birds and some don’t; why and how some cats are shared by several families on the same neighborhood street; traveling to Guadalupe Mountain National Park for camping and having do to the cooking for dinner; walking Spain’s famous pilgrimage trail, El Camino de Santiago; where to stay when you walk the trail – hotel, hostel, camp – what is right for each of us; whether to walk the entire trail for two months or perhaps two weeks’ worth; how many folks walk the trail and how the popularity has grown; how you can stay in a hotel and the staff will return you to the trail where you left off; having to do laundry on the trail; Anna’s recent three week trip in Israel – places she saw, her healthy hiking roommate, birds she encountered, the Sierra Club leader; why the trip was canceled due to Covid two days prior to her departure, but the leader said “come on, everything is paid for”; the Covid tests and timing required by Israel; and the topics I have already forgotten.  Yes, we talked a lot today.

Come join us and enjoy the trail with us!  Jacque