Outdoor Women Gone Wild

Well, this is definitely an event that is worth attending again & again!  I’ve always wanted to check it out, but April is such a busy month for me, I could never find time to fit it in.  So glad I did this year!  I’d describe the event as a mini BOW – 1 day only with a choice of 4 fun classes.  Held on a beautiful ranch with very nice facilities, being fed 3 full meals – everything was very well done!  From our group,  3 TOWNies & 1 guest attended the event, while 2 TOWNies stayed in Junction & were blessed with a tour of the Springs forming the headwaters of the S. Llano River.  I drove out just to attend this annual tour several years ago, & highly recommend it!  On Sunday, some of us kayaked the upper stretch of the S. Llano – my favorite Texas River to kayak!  I enjoyed meeting new members & their guests, & visiting with “old” members.  So, be on the lookout for a repeat of this outing in 2023!