What an enjoyable hike we shared today!  Members attending were:  KathleenC with Baby and Mamie, KimW, PegG, and Jacque with Sheba.  The trail was not crowded, the creek looked quite dry in places, the maidenhair fern is benefiting from the spring drips, and by the time we returned to our cars it was hot.  What did we learn today?  Surprisingly, it is Baby who is a TOWN member, not KathleenC; both DianeN and PegG are leading kayaking outings this month; tests for Covid in Europe vary with your location and the government influence; you can volunteer at the Kerrville Music Festival for three weeks in the kitchen as a chef which is better than digging toilets there; there are a variety of propane containers to use when camping, some recyclable and light weight; reservations are required for the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam; a unique job can include having a lizard, a cricket, and a butterfly in your office; a PCR covid test translates as Polymer Chain Reaction; the mosquito eggs at Goose Island State Park began hatching last Wednesday and started attacking immediately; when camping it’s good to take someone who will do the cooking; Fir Tussock caterpillars are plentiful at Goose Island State Park, live in live oak trees, can be found on everything, and are very cute; Community First! Village needs volunteers; a birder looking in the sky can be mistaken for an individual who needs help and perhaps wearing a Bird Nerd t-shirt would help that; lots of Wildflower Center visitors have never touched a caterpillar or cocoon; some cats come when called and some don’t; lots of dogs do not come when called; the gps units on dogs are very light weight and actually rather cute.  We pretty much talked non-stop.

Come join us next Wednesday, May 11th.  PegG will be leading.  Jacque