What a beautiful morning we had kayaking on Lady Bird Lake, Thursday July 21. There were four TownAustin women, Judy A, Gloria W, Stephanie N and me. We had mostly overcast sky, nice breeze which provided some waves as we rounded Red Bud Island. Gloria showed us some springs hidden behind low hanging branches. Who knew! It was tempting to soak in the cold water, but we carried on. We saw an egret, turtles and blue herons. We visited along the way and enjoyed sharing the lake with few other boaters. Stephanie demonstrated her Thule kayak rack. It is so cool and easy to get her kayak on top of her vehicle! Judy A and I went to Las Palomas for lunch. Gloria and Stephanie could not make lunch. Hope you can make it to the next kayak date on Lady Bird Lake. Stay cool and hydrated! Gail P-C