The TOWN outing to Allen Memorial Park was greeted with the best possible weather.  Nine intrepid Townies (SusanW, JoanB, LisaS, MarieW, CarrieL, JenniferH, GenevaR, JacqueA, and SandyO) braved the wilds of Allen Memorial Park in the heart of west Austin.  This quiet, tree-covered park has pleasant hiking trails, dotted with wildflowers spread over its secluded 10 acres.

I’m glad to say we lost no one during our arduous 15 minute hike.  SusanW kindly offered to get the fire set up while JoanB displayed her pit master skills and didn’t burn a single wiener.  We had an overabundance of food, which is a risk at our outings, and got down to savor the culinary delights of hot dogs, coleslaw, potato salad, desserts, cookies, chips, dips, fruit, cheese, veggies and cool drinks in the congenial company of the TOWN women and Sandy’s sweet dog.  After lunch we retired to the covered pavilion area for games of dominoes and cards.

Everyone had a good time in this hidden gem of a park and were so very helpful in hauling things back to my car.

Geneva R