Author: townadmin (Page 22 of 45)

Hike Barton Creek Greenbelt, 1/12/20

It was another beautiful day as 5 TOWNies, Carolyn,  Kim,  Debbie,  Lisa and Marsha,  were joined by canine companions Junko, Abby and Patchy, who was visiting at Camp Grandma. 

We only completed 3.7 miles but we had many uphill climbs that slowed us down. One rescue mission was initiated as Carolyn lost a glove and as the TOWN motto states ” No TOWNie  left behind “, we backtracked and located the glove that had been left in the frigid weather.  Sadly, despite the best efforts at revival, the glove  was declared DOA when given back to Carolyn. But, she can feel some comfort getting the glove back, which was quickly put back on and offered warmth to a cold hand.

Yesterday,  at the Holiday Party, we started with 21 hikers for  the 10:00 hike but only returned with 12. Um, not sure how the motto works for the lost TOWNies,  but we are hoping  that they have a good year wandering around  lost at McKinney Falls  and that we can locate them next year on our hike then.

Until next time….

Happy Trails, Marsha 

Hiking Barton Creek Greenbelt, 1/5/20

Hi all, 

We had 4 canines today, Abby, Bella, Junko and Sheba, who graciously slowed down the chasing of the wind to allow Effie, CarolynH, Jacque, Ann, Sarah, Kim, DebbieB, LisaS, LisaF and Marsha to tag along for a 4.5 mile hike. 

This was the first hike of the new year and we had a gaggle of TOWNIES as we had perfect weather and company.  Normally,  we have fewer TOWNIES but I must admit, that other hikers were scattering when they saw and heard us coming, scuttling to the side of the trail to avoid being carried along in the gaggle. 

It is important to note that Bella was wearing a Harvard kerchief and it was determined that she graduated over the holidays with a M S.M.S.C., 

Master’s of Science in Milkbone Search and  Chomp, a coveted degree. 

Until  next time…..

Happy Trails, Marsha 

Bird Walk at Pedernales Falls State Park, 1/5/20

Well, we participated today in a birding outing that was indeed fun.  This was, as you will recall, not a TOWN-Austin outing.  Six of us (Effie with husband Michael, Jacque, LisaM, MaryVE, and SheliaMcK) joined about 44 birders to check the two blinds and walk at Pedernales Falls State Park.

Seen at the blinds were:  White-winged Dove, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jays – these were a true highlight with bright blue colors, Carolina Chickadee, Northern Mockingbird, House Finche, White-throated Sparrow, Spotted Towhee – another fav with bright red eyes, Orange-crowned Warbler, Northern Cardinal, and Titmice.  During our walk we spotted:  American Pipit, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Cedar Waxwing – a truly lovely bird with such clean, sleek lines, Carolina Wren, Eastern Phoebe, Black Vulture, and a Killdeer.

We had fun, made some new friends, and believe it or not – talked and laughed a lot – though not in the bird blinds!

The next Beginners Bird Walk with the Travis Audubon group will be Saturday, February 1st at Mary Moore Searight Metropolitan Park located on West Slaughter Lane.  Watch for more details.  As before, this will be NOT A TOWN-AUSTIN OUTING.


Hiking Barton Creek Greenbelt, 12/29/19

Hi all,

 We had 6 TOWNIES today and honorary dog, Sheba. Maria, now an official TOWNie!, Kim, Carolyn, Effie, Jacque and Marsha hiked 4.4 miles today, connecting different loops and trails to have a new never-before-trod  trail today, that was an odyssey of dancing squirrels, hopping rabbits and scenes of star moss. The weather was perfect with a cool wind reminding us that the gentle grip of winter is still here but that the promise of spring will soon be here before we tire of the cool air.

As the holidays are bidding us farewell until next year, we gleefully realized that the calories burned today would allow us to nibble two sugar cookies, or perhaps the smooth taste of caramels.

No New Year’s resolutions were voiced by any TOWNIE but perhaps with a gentle nudge we can be reminded to enjoy the great outdoors.

Until next time…..

Happy Trails, Marsha 

Hiking Barton Creek Greenbelt, 12/28/19

Me, Jacque, and Sheba went on the hike.  Overcast sky, but the rain held off.  We are TOWNies, and are not afraid of getting wet.  Thought we might be the only people out on the trail with the chance of rain in the forecast, but the parking area was pretty full.  Creek was dry, and lots of tree leaves falling.  The trail is so nice in on these warmer than normal winter days.  As much as I enjoy seeing family, it was time for me to spend some time outside.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and has a Happy New Year! Janice

Hiking at Barton Creek Greenbelt, 12/22/19

Hi all,

We had 7 festive women today that gathered for a 4.4 mile hike on the Greenbelt. 

Carolyn, LisaF, Maria, Jenny, Effie, Kim, and Marsha gathered for a hike that was a fast paced, a pace that quicken considerably when Carolyn, decked out in Santa hat, mentioned that she had coffee and cookies at her house following the hike. Oh, the pace of the hike couldn’t only be matched by Rudolph and his peers, as we sped upon the land, traversing the Greenbelt with the ease of the most accomplished elf.

As I departed from the group to go to church, I can only imagine the cookies were far beyond the plum pudding that is do highly  acclaimed. 

Happy Holidays. 

Until next time……

Happy Trails, Marsha 

Camping at Lake Belton

Trip Report Belton Lake December 12-15, 2019

Six hardy TOWNies braved cold nights to enjoy Live Oak Park on beautiful Belton Lake.  TracyP and AndreaS are two brand new members who win an award for tent camping—a relatively new experience for both!  NancyL joined up with her tenting equipment and experience.  We enjoyed seeing ChristineF’s cute and creative camper set-up.  CarolP and BeverlyT provided entertainment with our furry friends.  Carol took some excellent pictures of the road runner living behind her camper.  Christine almost has two stray cats want to follow her home, Marilyn.

Friday a.m.  we explored Stillhouse Hollow.   Learning the hiking trails were closed for the day, we displayed TOWNie adaptability by heading to a different part of Stillhouse where we leisurely explored the shore.  We did  a public service by picking up a full bucket of glass bottles thrown out before kids got all cut up!

Friday Tracy, Andres, and Carol hiked Miller Springs Park across the road while Nancy and Beverly got kayaks wet on the lake.  Pot luck centered around Louisiana chicken and sausage gumbo.  Beverly’s daughter Christie and granddaughter, Rebekah, brought a prospective member to meet us.

Saturday was gorgeous and we greatly enjoyed an extended hike at Chalk Ridge Falls, seeing a waterfall, crossing a suspension bridge, and meandering along the creekbed.  Patches and Britain chased one another, fought for the lead, and tugged over thrown sticks as our entertainment.   We kept passing folks out for the Christmas bird count, and tried to be considerate in not scaring off all other creatures!

Nancy was so excited to kayak, Bev took her to another part of Belton Lake, while the others relaxed a bit.  We gathered up around 5:00 pm to head out to BLORA, a Ft. Hood property to be near first in line to view Christmas in Lights.

The exhibit is exceptional and reasonably priced –If folks from Austin are impressed that speaks for itself! (Biggest thing around here was the new HEB 4 years ago!)

We drove a bit further to  eat at Fireside Pizza, a family friendly brick oven gourmet pizza place.  Pizza and beer and good fellowship and a band—what’s better than that!  We were able to enjoy a real wood campfire nightly.

This was a terrific outing and a good first experience for Tracy and Andrea—other than freezing at night!!  Everyone was cooperative, helpful, independent , flexible and fun!!   Isn’t that what TOWN is all about?

PS : I did remember to get everyone to sign in, but not sure what to do with it! LOL

Hiking Barton Creek Greenbelt, 12/15/19

Hi all,

We had 5.5 women and 1.5 dogs today on our Sunday hike. We had guest Maria, and Effie, Lisa, Kim and Marsha, along with half of Carolyn and half of Patchy, but a full Junko.

Sounds confusing.  Carolyn went about 1 mile and after we mentioned hills today, she conveniently remembered that she had to be home to take care of her grandchildren while Grandpa played basketball.  It was agreed that COULD be a realistic reason to leave early, but then Lisa also stated that she had grandchildren to care for at home. Since we had never heard of any grandchildren before, it was felt that her story was probably a desperate and pathetic attempt to avoid hills today.

The hike was a little gray and overcast, but Nanook, aka Effie, was bundled up, ready to face the North Pole storms.  All that was missing was the red nose reindeer to guide us. 

We trudged up the hills and had a nice 4.75 hike today, or most of us did.

Until next time….

Happy Trails, Marsha 

Hiking Barton Creek Greenbelt, 12/8/19

Hi All, 

We had 6 TOWNIES today, Debbie, Carolyn,  Kim, Lisa S, Lisa F and Marsha, who were joined by Abby and Junko, the wander dogs.

The weather was perfect with a cool morning that was only tickled with fingers of heat as we climbed in elevation the last mile. It was hard to recall the sweating in the summer sun, lest we forget.

We were treated to a pallet of colors that painted our morning with hues of bright green that gracefully glowed from the moss that was on the ground and in the trees, only to be, perhaps, outdone by the autumn splendor of rust and red as the trees are daintily changing color to showcase their range of beauty throughout the year. Oh, not to be outdone, the cedar elms lazily rained their golden splendor as they floated their tiny leaves to the ground.  

Our steps were muffled by the carpet of leaves, which really didn’t muffle our steps, but broadcasted our steps with a whisper of the crunching leaves.

Not to be outdone,  the Fall  asters laughingly poked their heads up between the golden trees to give us a glance of purple that can only be matched by the setting  sun.

Perfect time of year with perfect TOWNIES. 

Until next time…..

Happy Trails, 


Biking Lady Bird Lake Trail, 12/1/19

I was so glad Christine could join me for the ride around Lady Bird Lake.  Lots of people out on the trail.  After the rain on Friday, I was happy to see the blue sky and sunshine.  It felt great to be out on such a pretty afternoon.


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