Dear TOWNies,

Seventeen ladies camped at Goliad State Park from 11/4/21 to 11/7/21:   DawnK, daughter Mary Dawn a/ka MD and beautiful pup named Lake who is deaf;  KobyF and StephanieN, LisaMcM with Sassy and MariaV; PegG; GloriaB; FloM; SusanW with BevT; SheliaS without Jacqueline (who couldn’t make it because her 100-yr-old  mother had to go to hospital); KimF with LindaBW; DianeN with NancyL and we are so happy for the return of SandyS with Silky.

We had a lot of fun by the wonderful camp fires bonding with new and old friends.  Linda BW built the best fire ever on a cool Friday night.  We had dinner by the fire and the ladies surprised me with a birthday cake and sang to me.  Thank you all, that was truly special.  Saturday morning Linda loaded up her trailer and shuttled us all to the drop off point.  It didn’t take long before one of our friends (not mentioning any names, LOL) dropped off in the river.  She only got 1/2 way, and didn’t get her hair wet.  That was a good thing as it was a little cool.  We agreed this was the quickest flotilla ever at just over 2 hours.

After this everything else is a blurr for me.  My Ray called to tell me he was in a car accident and being taken to ER.  His breathing was very labored and he was in a lot of pain.  The hospital said he broke his T-12 Vertebrae.  He is doing better today and continues to heal, but that one really scared us all.  So thankful it wasn’t worse.

Thank you all for joining us at Goliad SP and annual Flotilla.  It was awesome!  LisaMcM