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May 20, 2017 @ 9:00 am
Travis County Reimers Ranch Park
23610 Hamilton Pool Rd
Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Hike at Travis County Reimers Ranch Park

Saturday, May 20

Time:  9 am

Join SallieN and Jacque at the Travis County Reimers Ranch Park.

Outing Leader/RSVP:  Leader is SallieN, but please RSVP to Jacque   by Friday May 19th .

When: Saturday, May 20th

Time: 9 am

Where: Travis County Reimers Ranch Park

Address:  23610 Hamilton Rd.  , Dripping Springs, TX, 78620

Shoes:  Hiking shoes/boots, tennis shoes; no sandals or flip-flops.

Canines:  Definitely welcome on leash, prepare to pick up poop.

Distance: 2.7 miles with no facilities or water source. There are some inclines and loose rocks.  Sometimes we go exploring on new trails.

Bring:  Your lunch, Lisa will provide watermelon.  We will have a picnic after hiking.  Also bring water,  sunscreen, snacks, poles for crossing the creek, etc. Friends and spouses are invited.

Thanks!  Jacque

Notes from Travis County Park – PLEASE READ — WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE YOU COME

  1. Activities at Reimers Ranch Park include rock climbing, mountain biking, swimming, fishing, hiking, and equestrian trail riding.  We will be hiking, not rock climbing!
  2. The park is open from 7 am to twilight.  We do NOT allow camping
  3. Fees are $10 per vehicle.  Vehicles with a Senior Citizen ( 62 years) or a Disabled Vet (60%) are not charged.

ALERT: Fee Change Starting May 1 Through September 30, on every weekend and holiday – A $5 surcharge will be applied to all vehicles and pedestrians on summer weekends and holidays.  This $5 fee will be in addition to the usual $10 entrance fee and will apply to all vehicles, including those with Annual, Senior Lonestar, and Veteran Lonestar Permits. The fee will not be assessed on weekdays that are not holidays.  This added fee is necessary to help offset the costs of operating the park during times of peak visitation.

  1. We accept cash and local checks.  We do NOT accept credit cards.
  2. Pets are allowed, but must remain on leash at all times.
  3. Glass bottles and public display of alcohol consumption are not allowed.
  4. Cooking grills are allowed, but they must be above ground and not pose a fire hazard.  You can burn gas and charcoal, but not wood due to the flying embers.  The park does not provide cooking grills.
  5. Swimming takes place in the Pedernales River.  Swimmers usually hike about 300 yards from the parking lot to the river.  On busy summer weekends and holidays, the hike might be as long as a half-mile.
  6. The Mountain Bike Trails close down after a significant rain to maintain their integrity.  They re-open after they have thoroughly dried.  Check with the fee booth staff for current status of the mountain bike trails.
  7. Rock climbing and mountain biking are inherently hazardous activities.  Please read the warning signs at the beginning of the trail heads leading to these activity areas.