January 23, 2019 @ 6:30 pm

What:  Non-Kayaking Dinner

Leader:  LindaF.  For questions or to RSVP, email LindaF.

When:  Wednesday, January 23

Time:  6:30

Where:  Hula Hut  —-  The weather for Wednesday looks crisp and sunny.  We will be meeting at the Hula Hut, a little to the south of Enfield on Lake Austin Blvd, just above the Tom Miller Dam.  If the weather is cold we can look for an inside table; to help me with the numbers, will you let me know that you are coming?


3825 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, TX 78703

Ladies, if you are looking for an opportunity to enjoy some TOWNie social time together without getting wet, cold, sweaty, or having to sleep on rocks, this is a quick reminder of our second (non-paddling) kayak dinner.

So what does that mean?  Just getting together to talk about future kayaking or you can participate if you don’t kayak.  It’s just dinner.  This is organized by acclaim, and no one realized it is the day after the TOWN meeting.  Please feel welcome if you just want to enjoy fellow-TOWNies if you are in the area; you don’t need paddling blisters or wet pants to come.  We have been looking for suggestions for a restaurant across the river, so that the traffic inconvenience can be spread around.
