July 12, 2017 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am

Wednesday Walk

Wednesday, July 12th  –  8:30 am

Turkey Creek Trail

Join me for a hike that crosses creeks and is mostly in the shade.

Outing Leader/RSVP:  Jacque    by Tuesday July 11th please

When: Wednesday, July 12th at 8:30 am

Where: Turkey Creek Trail            http://www.texashiking.com/Locations/ShowLocation.aspx?LocationID=1611            If you reach the entrance to the campground and see a kiosk, you have gone too far

1600 City Park Road, Austin, TX 78730

Getting There: From central Austin, take FM 2222 west, past Loop 360. Turn left onto City Park Road and continue south to the Emma Long Park entrance sign. The parking area for the trail is two miles from the park entrance sign, on the right hand side of the road. The parking is right after a sharp turn in the road, so be prepared when you cross Turkey Creek to turn off the road.

Shoes:  Hiking shoes/boots, tennis shoes; no sandals or flip-flops.  Your feet may or may not get wet.

Canines:  Definitely welcome, prepare to pick up poop.

Distance: 2.7 miles with no restroom facilities or water source. There are some inclines and loose rocks.  Sometimes we go exploring on new trails.

Bring:, water,  sunscreen, snacks, poles for crossing the creek, etc. Friends and spouses are invited.

Thanks!  Jacque