Our final kayak for the season, on Lady Bird Lake was Wed, Oct 25. Nine TOWN-Austin women joined to kayak toward Red Bud Island, DebbieW, LoisK, PegG, JudyA, AnnaE, MariaV, LindaF, Bonnie and me.
It was a cool evening, calm water and many rowers on the water. Although we only had an hour, due to the time change and early closing at the Rowing Dock, a good time was had by all. We had time to enjoy being out on on a beautiful night, unwind from the day and visit along the way.
We spotted an Osprey dive down toward the water making a loud noise. He sure caught our attention.
Afterwards we met up with DianeN and SusanW at Shady Grove our favorite place. Glad they were able to join us.We had a good time visiting and eating. Anna suggested we continue to meet for dinner.
That is a thought we can consider, maybe on a monthly basis?
LindaF brought a card for LIndsay Rohler, manager of the Rowing Dock, for us to sign . Lindsay and her staff have been so helpful and friendly to work with.
We have had a fun season of kayaking on Lady Bird Lake. There are regulars that come every time and others come when they can. We have had friends of TOWN-Austin join us and some have become members. Kayaking on Lady Bird Lake is a peaceful way to end the day, connect with one another and have time to paddle alone and quietly to enjoy the serenity of the area.
Thank you LindaF for co leading. We have had a good time working together! Until next season…
Gail P-C