Sunday, March 20th was a perfect day to hike Bright Leaf Preserve, a private property located in northwest Austin just off 2222.  This 216 acres was a gift made by Georgia Lucas to TPWD.

Eight of us (AnnaE, CarrieL, GailP-C, Joy and Chris Stone [friends of Jacque’s], JacqueA, JudyA, and MarilynF) met at Bright Leaf for a 3.21 mile hike.  The outing ran from 9 am until noon, which included 1 hour and 46 minutes of walking.  What do you imagine the TOWNies were doing for 1 hour and 14 minutes?  Think standing and talking and taking photos!

We examined and discussed:

Bushes – yaupon holly, Lindheimer silktassel, button bushes, inland sea oats, and sumac (evergreen, fragrant, flame leaf)

Trees – escarpment cherry, ash juniper, live oak, Texas red oak, Texas and Mexican buckeyes, and Texas mimosa

Birds – Golden-cheeked warbler, herons, and red-tailed hawks

Flower Blossoms – cedar sage, black-foot daises, and bracted twistflower

Limestone – Glen Rose formation and Balcones formations and granite

Nostoc – an ancient cyan bacterium similar to seaweed, which is nicknamed gorilla snot

The view of Lake Austin

Yuccas – twist leaf, red yuccas, sotols

Texas Prickly Pear – tunas and the cochineal bug

Native and Non-Native Plants

Georgia Lucas’s home and her Kitty Condo for her 40+ cats

Plus – leaves, star moss, berries, fossils, galls, bluegill fish, and snakes, rabbits, and lizards.

Don’t you wish you’d been with us!  I will schedule this hike again soon.  Thanks to all of you for joining me!
