Hi all,  There was a nice group of 7 hikers today,  Leigh, Jacque, Lisa, Debbie, Carolyn,  Janice and Marsha,  all protected by Sheba and Junko, the amazing dogs, who let neither ragweed,  slippery rocks nor mud stop us from our appointed round of 3.8 mile hike.  We stopped to rave about the beautiful crop of ragweed this year,  reaching heights of 7 feet.  We were each tempted to pick a nice bouquet and bring home for our neighbors to admire, but then remembered the adage of “take only photos”.  We dutifully left it there to pollinate for decades to come.   We had a slightly slower pace today due to the pesky mud that was determined to cling on our boots, adding several pounds to all.  The creek was flowing after the past week’s rain but we stayed far away so the Canine Patrol would not be tempted to take the plunge in the creek since there is still a bacteria concern.

Until next time….. Happy Trails,  Marsha  There will not a Sunday Hike,  October 24th.