Hi All,  We had 9 hikers today, Jody, Carolyn,  Leigh, Effie, Kim, Lisa, Debbie, Janice and Marsha,  who were rescued from possible lions, tigers and bears, oh my!, by canine protectors Junko and Patchy.  Patchy had another case of the zommies, chasing whatever and running crazily about. Junko was the only one that maintained dignity today.  We covered 4 miles  in one hour and 45 minutes, with a few hills towards the end.  We kept a face pace today with visions of pumpkin pie dancing through our dreams.  It is possible that we ran into a batch of poison ivy again, but hopefully not.  I raced to church and wanted to pray for Effie, but after dropping the body of Christ,  I forgot to pray.  So, here’s hoping it was not poison ivy.

Until next time…. Happy Trails, Marsha