Hi All,  We had 6 brave TOWNIES today, Kim, Effie (also known as Nanook of the North), Leigh, Carolyn, Debbie and Marsha, who braved the 28 degree temperature to hike 5 great miles, following trails that had yet to be explored by man or woman or beast. The temperature was brisk, but even Nanook warmed up.  We finished at a nice 41 degrees.  We had little time by the creek which was filled with water, but very still.  We spent the time instead hiking unknown trails.  Carolyn was asked, due to her outstanding sense of direction in the woods (her story of getting lost with her 2 children, leaving her hiking for hours to find the lost waifs is for another time) which trail to take and we abided by her inspired directions.  We left Kim behind when she had a shoe blowout, but we waited after we realized that we were one short.  We liked Kim so we waited.  We had no canine protection which was very scary, considering that we were traveling on trails unknown.  We did have very little time on the creek. but the water was so still, we were able to see reflections of trees and leaves in the mirror-like images.  I hesitated getting too close to the mirror-like water as I needed no extra reminders of the gray hair and wrinkles that are visiting me now.  I see enough at home. We heard a few sounds in the brush, possible bears or lion, but probably birds and heard a few chirps in the sky.  Being with friends in the beautiful outdoors helped lift the pall, a little,  that had draped over my heart this week as I had lost my little Rat Terrier Millie. TOWN is a great group to share adventures and to hold hands during tough times. The beauty of nature pales in comparison to the beauty of the friendship that is shared.

Until next time… Happy Trails, Marsha