Hi all, It was a very pleasant hike today for 6 TOWNIES,  Debbie,  Carolyn,  Jenny,  Jody, Janice and Marsha,  who hiked either 4.2 miles or 0.0 miles.  We are hoping that after almost 2 hours we went a little farther than 0.0 miles, but that is what my tracker indicated.  I am sure that we saw the creek flowing well, thickening of some trees with buds forming and grassy plains.  At least it looked different than if we just stood in my driveway.  Anyway,  we agreed that it probably was 4.2 miles.  The weather was perfect as the  sunny skies battled with the clouds to be ruler for the day.  No wind but the temperature was nice as we briskly kept the pace.  We all were rewarded with avocados when we returned,  a bounty given to us by my neighbor.

Until next time…. Happy Trails, Marsha