Hi All,  We had a nice group of 7 TOWNIES today, Effie,  Kim, Jacque, Jenny, Lisa, Debbie and Marsha, protected from raging wildflowers and cool breezes by the Canine Protection Team of Junko and Sheba.  The weather was perfect and served as a nice compliment for bouquets of flowers that danced in the breeze.   Bluebonnets, verbena, cedar sage, spiderwort, violets and little yellow flowers, possibly bitter weed, welcomed us along our 4.85 mile journey.  The creek had water, slowly flowing in some areas, but mostly stagnant with algae already serving as a harbinger of the summer to come.  The breeze still carried the refreshing scent of mountain laurel, but the drying of the creek bed was not to be forgotten, as the unpleasant odor of the drying algae and stagnant water drifted on the wings of the breeze too.

Until next time….  Happy Trails,  Marsha