Hi all,  We had a motley crew of TOWNIES today, Kim, Effie, Leigh, Jody, Marsha,  Lisa along with Junko, the Canine Protection Team president. One of the hikers claimed to have a knee injury although there were no x- rays to support that claim while she scampered about, skipping gaily over the rough terrain.  I had promised an easier hike to accommodate the injury, but then I overheard the hikers making plans to claim injuries  weekly to avoid hills on Sunday.  I am suspicious.  To get on IR, injured reserve,  list I will be asking for a doctor’s note.  Actually,  it was a delightful hike with good friends as we navigated the 4.4  miles in the  waning cool weather.  Spring just turned the calendar page, but Summer is soon to follow,  with heat and humidity.  But today, we were serenaded by birds,  while we watched the fields come alive with Spring green and eager flowers, glistening in the cool air.  Verbena,  violets, mountain laurel, bluebonnets,  cedar sage and many others all were showing off their beauty. Entertainment abounded!

Until next time….. Happy Trails, Marsha