It was the day after Christmas and all through the trees,

Seven Townies were hiking carefully so not to slip to our knees.

The fog left the rocks slippery and wet,

Who was to be the first to fall,  was the bet.

Alas, we all stayed on our feet for 4.4 miles,

Our time peppered with laughter and smiles!

I led the way to hear laughter, stories and tales with the usual chatter,

When suddenly silence caused me to turn and to see what was the matter!

Why Carolyn and Debbie had left the trail to climb a hill,

As Effie, Leigh, Janice, Kim and I struggled to not take a spill

The two had left to go to the house to start cooking for a magical feast,

Celebrating friendship and surviving another year of the COVID beast.

We all have so much to celebrate and to be,

We are all part of TOWN as you can see.

So my apologies to Clement C. Moore as I am giving him a fright,

As I offer you this with a bid of good day and safe night.


Until next time…  Happy Trails, Marsha