What a good turnout today!  And such pleasant cool weather!  Five canines and their six humans (AnnaE, FionaC – Saffy & Pepper, Jacque – Sheba, Kathleen – Baby & Mamie, KimW, and PegG) gathered to talk, hike, pee, poop, pick up poop, and laugh.

The conversations varied from:  bike styles, bike trips, locations of local bike trails, Mexico and the Monarch butterflies, the sad deaths of 75 dogs in Georgetown, dog agility training and what’s involved, how green and healthy the trail looks with our summer rains, what it’s like being the first to arrive, camping in a tent versus glamping, completely hiking the Appalachian Trail or not completely, hiking the Camino de Santiago or not and what’s involved, to backpack or not to backpack, riding a bike at the Circuit of Americas last night and the rather high hill, allergies – sneezing and coughing, wet dogs, the Kerrville city park for camping, birding trips and where to travel in the US, Covid vaccines, flu vaccines, who is camping at Pedernales Falls SP in October, dog treats, how to travel and stay safe from Covid, international food sections at HEB and Central Market which take the place of traveling internationally and eating – I think not personally, cooking and eating outside, and the habits of our quirky dogs.

Bet you wish you’d been there!  We’ll hike next Wednesday!  Jacque and Sheba