We were quite fortunate to be hiking this morning instead of this afternoon.  Hiking today were:  Jacque with Birthday Girl Sheba, JanetFB with new comer Gilly, JulieanneA with energetic Sunny and six-week old Pugsley, and KathleenC with prancing Baby and water lover Mamie.  Our hike ran 3.1 miles in 105 minutes.  We stopped a lot today.

A bit more introduction to Pugsley:  he is adopted; his mom and dad are Morticia and Gomez Adams; and his sib who failed to make it was Fester.  Pugsley rode primarily on Julieanne’s back in a really cool dog pack where he sat and watched us; he hiked briefly.

So what did we discuss today:  well, what does the nest for Tawny Crazy Ants look like, we were unable to find one, but next week we will know more; various Texas State Parks – Guadalupe River, Huaco Tanks, Devil’s River, Cleburne, and Brownwood; heading to Utah in July for eight weeks of RV camping with 4 dogs; Government Canyon State Nature Area for hiking; bicycling and riding the MS 150; wet, soggy, ultra-muddy shoes and how much do they weigh; upcoming freezing weather and possible damage to the ferns and other growth along Turkey Creek; a variety of animal shelters in Austin:  Austin Pets Alive, Austin Animal Center, and the old TOWN Lake Animal Center and their reputations; cloning your dog for $50K and your cat for $35K and would it be worth it; National Parks versus our Texas State Parks – which do we prefer; dog rescue groups and what do they accomplish; pros and cons of taking dogs camping; the revamped Turkey Creek parking lot; and hiking the Grand Canyon either rim to rim or down and back up to the rim, staying at Phantom Ranch and how good the food it, not falling backward off the hiking trail – which does happen, avoiding the mules carrying visitors down or up, and the California Condors.

Come join us next week.  Such fun getting to know each other and our dogs!  Wednesday, Feb. 9th at 8:30 am.  Jacque