We had such a fun hike today!  Seems like we walked longer than usual, but maybe that’s my old Fitbit.  By 10 am, we encountered more hikers and dogs than usual.  Five of us met to hike with three canines:  FionaC with Pepper and Saffy, Jacque with Sheba, KarenK, KerrieQ, and PegG.  Our talking topics included:  current dogs and ones we used to have, Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists, traveling, birding, hiking sticks, Marsha’s Sunday hike, water proof walking shoes, ancient ruins, retirement and returning to work, archeology, kayaking, husbands, boats, the Board, camping, REI, dogs in trees, … .  Are we tired yet?  And we met a Cycologist, yes a woman with a cute bicycle t-shirt.  And she’s ready to join TOWN!

Turkey Creek Trail creek is holding up well this year.  Usually it’s dry by July or August, but it continues to run this year.  And the water looked good.  Come join the hike!  Jacque