Hey TOWNies!  Well, we had an enjoyable hike/trek today.  It varied in speed depending on the location and activity of the dogs and the other groups we encountered.  AnnaE, FionaC (with Saffy & Pepper), Jacque (with Sheba), new member KathleenC (with Baby & Mamie), KimW, and PegG walked and talked, enjoying the shade and breeze for just about 3.3 miles.  Topics today varied from creek water depth, coughing & sneezing with allergies, wet shoes, hair styles, the flu shot, the Austin Butterfly Forum, freezing caterpillars, how to grow milkweed plants successfully (as opposed to letting them die), Monarchs & Queens & Gulf Fritillaries – all butterflies, how to use bird cages to allow female & male Cecropia moths to mate and produce eggs – and the answer is pheromones, Luna moths, excessive dog poop on the trail and what keeps owners from cleaning, geocaching and why they’re so difficult to find, geocache sizes – nano & micro – all the way to large, to Peg’s little book library & why Pokemon seekers stop there.

Bet you wish you’d been with us!  KathleenC joined us late and now she’s wondering what all she missed.  Hope to see you next Wednesday! Jacque