Hi TOWNies!  Well, hiking here gets me so spoiled to being in a truly pleasant environment and with enjoyable members.  Today, Fiona (with Pepper & Saffy), Gail (imagining her new puppy to be), Jacque (with Sheba), and PegG met to hike.  Kathleen (with Baby & Mamie) arrived, but had to head home to solve HVAC issues.  Our conversations ranged widely:  building new structures/buildings, music in Dripping Springs, company arriving, poop that owners fail to pick up, training dogs, Kerrville Folk Festival and musicians, Prime shipping, the clean creek water and how much better it looked since rain, birding at Mills Pond,  Nashville warblers, traveling in Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, various bike companies that lead tours, walking tours in England, how busy we all are, buying a new car and what type to buy, partners/spouses who do not like to travel, wet shoes, hiking sticks, kayaking at Lady Bird Lake, traveling to Bronte TX, missing rocks moved to make creek crossing easier, wet dogs, dogs and bunnies adopted from the Austin Animal Center, bunnies that bite and poop unexpectedly, babysitting puppies, Amsterdam, where to build the new addition to that house, where ladies were born, and we went on and on.

Come join us!  Jacque