What a wonderful day for a Holiday Party at McKinney Falls State Park Dining Hall!

The Dining Hall doors were opened at 9:00 am and TOWNies and guests started arriving soon after bringing all sorts of food, snacks, desserts, drinks and of course the all-important White Elephant gift.

By 10:00 am, hiking leader Jenny Falkenburg was ready to lead 23 women into the wilds of McKinney Falls.  Check out her trip report on our website for all the details.

As the day progressed, members and guests came and went from the dining hall.  Some came to play games and others left to prepare their dish for the potluck dinner.  At 6:00 PM we all gathered to enjoy the sumptuous and plentiful offerings of all who contributed to the dinner.  By 7:00 pm we were ready to start the highly anticipated gift exchange. Thirty-eight gifts of all shapes and sizes waited to be carefully chosen by 38 participants.  Some gifts were popular and stolen often.  A good time was had by all and soon the fun ended but not before everyone pitched and assisted with the cleanup.  Until next year…..Susan