First let me say that, for all you can imagine of past occasions, frolicking about the bridges downtown, 1st St., Lamar, and even onward to Congress, that downtown is QUITE FAR FROM THE ROWING DOCK!  Curtail the available time by half an hour, and a strong wind in our faces; there were four truly doughty paddlers setting off from the Rowing Dock at 5:30 on the 13th.

We were determined to make it to the Seaholm water intake facility, and the work is already beginning.    This is the large gray building just east of the Lamar bridge, on the north shore of the lake.  It is going to be part of a long-awaited adaptive re-use project that is being overseen by the Trail Foundation and the Austin Parks Foundation, and Austin Parks and Recreation Department.  Called the Seaholm Waterfront, the first drawings show paddlers approaching a watery landing, with people scattered about enjoying the access to the water, and inside, places to sit and of course, a coffee shop.  Not for nothing is Austin being called The New Seattle.

Fiona C, on her first outing with TOWN, proved amazingly up to the challenge, Carol C not reclining this time, experienced Gloria W and I, leading from behind, all managed the slog,  but counting on the wind to take us back to the Rowing Dock with a little less effort.  As if that ever happens.  Three of us were anticipating the soft serve ice cream at Jason’s in Rollingwood, only to discover when we finally arrived, this branch is closed.  By the time we remembered Panera, down the road, the storm was threatening & we all skedaddled home.  LindaF