Greetings, and sorry for the delay in getting out a brief report for the Leaders’ Outing that was held on Sunday, January 24th, but the weather has been too nice to be inside!  Twelve women were able to attend the outing, although additional members qualified but had a scheduling conflict or distance precluded participation.  We started at the Austin Nature Science Center where we looked at some exhibits, saw some rescued wildlife, and took a short hike.  We then headed over to Red’s Porch.  The weather was lovely and we were able to enjoy a leisurely lunch on the porch.

The Leader’s Outing is held annually to recognize members who contribute to making our club active and growing.  To be eligible to attend the outing, you only need to lead two outings per year or bring in two new members.  All our events are led by members who volunteer.  If you would like to lead an outing but are unsure about the process, please contact any Board member.  We can help you lead your first outing.

If you have an outing in mind, please volunteer to lead it. Let’s make 2016 a fun-filled year!

Thanks again to those who took an active role in 2015.
