Hi all, We had a nice hike today, anywhere from 4.0 to 4.9 miles, depending on whose app we believe. I broke a toe yesterday, yes, another story for another time, so my pace was slower, and I think we were closer to the 4.2 mark. My Snouties, Waldi and Berta, the Schnauzers, had their first TOWN hike and did well protecting me, Kim, Carolyn, Jody, Janice, Phyllis, and Paula from a squirrel or two, a crow and a friendly collie. I thought they would be tired but they are at home, playing Schnauzer Smackdown, a wrestling competition that leaves one wondering who won and what the rules are. We started at a brisk 32⁰, but warmed up nicely as we climbed mountains, singing The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music. Maybe that was another hike. I forget. Regardless, we had a nice hike in near perfect weather, but with absolutely perfect TOWNIES. TOWNIES are more than outdoor women, as we prove daily we are women who support each other and change the lives of members as we offer friendship and support.
Until next time… Happy Trails, Marsha