LindaW, DianaH and I took to the water Saturday morning in Bastrop to paddle the little stretch of the Colorado River between Fisherman’s Park and Tahitian Village. We met up and got on the water about 10:30 a.m. We noticed pretty quickly that the wind was a bit strong, but, fortunately, with enough twists and turns in the river, it wasn’t a buzzkill. We stopped for a dip and a bite to eat and ambled along. The water was a bit higher than normal and moved at a faster clip, so we finished, I guess, by around 1:30 or 2:00.

We saw a couple of osprey – I could watch them all day – and the usual blue heron and egrets. There was quite a bit of flood debris, including this huge tree balanced on the railroad support. The biggest thing I noticed was that the takeout was really hit by recent flooding. It was, for some unexplained reason, a bit of a challenge to get the vehicle close to the takeout spot. But, fortunately, with some help from Boy Scout Troop 188, as well as some sweet-talking by Linda, we were able to get loaded up and on our way.

We had a fun time and hope you all can join us next time!


